Tuesday, August 9, 2016


In America, generally cake is for special occasions. This includes birthdays, going away parties, retirements, weddings, etc... Here its for breakfast, lunch, after nap snack and that evening "why not" have a slice time. I am not talking about the type of cake where its more frosting than anything. This American kind of cake causes your sugar level to spike and you are afraid of inducing some form of diabetes. Here its just a normal cake that is lightly sugared, total awesomeness, tasty and I could continue on.

Its just a small slice here and there. Plain cake, a little chocolate drizzle over it or perhaps Nutella smeared across it before consumption. Nothing that will cause you to gain a ton of weight. I thought it was very weird to eat cake this much. At the moment if there is not a cake in the house, I am planning on where I will go to get one. It seems like a tradition here. Most friends and relatives have a cake sitting on the counter or in their fridge when I visit. I would consider it a very common thing.

As an American when I think of cake, it is always chocolate, vanilla, carrot or a mix of chocolate and vanilla. That's all I think of, maybe I just wasn't a very adventurous cake eater in the good ole USA. Here the kinds are amazing and plentiful. They range from a corn / cheese cake to mandioca (a root). If you told me in America, let's go eat some corn cake or mandioca cake...which I would of asked what the hell is mandioca shortly after. I think my response would of been no thank you...I'm not hungry.

I can tell you they are all amazing! Yes they have chocolate cake here too, but venture out and enjoy something different. I have tried many kinds and haven't had one cake that I didn't like. I don't think I ever will!          


  1. great! Corn cake! have you tried?

  2. Good Post...for Americans, ti understand better what is "mandioca", please refer to Cassava (manioc) in Google search. It is cheap root and very useful to make "farinha", cakes, eat as appetizer and more (with meat in churrascos, for example). Get more info in this link below. https://www.google.com.br/search?q=mandioca&client=firefox-b&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi83-7IuZHQAhWBEJAKHVT0BeIQ_AUIBigB

  3. Mandioca = Yuca... It's very true... I'm living in Atlanta and some days ago I was looking for a coconut flour cake... it's too hard find it.. haha

    1. Yeah, America has no cakes like this, unless you know how to bake your own. Right now I am addicted to bolo de milho com quiejo (corn cake with cheese). If you are in Goiania Portal dos Bolos is the best place ever! Plus, they sell mini frozen pizzas (American Style).
