Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Brazilian inviting you to their house and commitment issues

When you meet someone new here in Brazil, don't be surprised if they invite you to their house within the first conversation. This is very common and kind of confusing for an American. The conversation will be a straight up, hey come to my house. What they actually mean is we should hang out sometime and nice to meet you. Eventually they do want you to come to their house, but they don't know when. If you ask when, they will dance around and say maybe next week or they will let you know.  Its very funny to me! You just invited me over and now you are saying you don't know when.

I find that it is very hard for Brazilians to commit to really anything. Hey can you teach me English? Yes, when are you available? Ah, let me see and I will let you know! It sounds promising but don't get too excited. Most likely they will never commit but every time you see them they will say yeah I want to... I have even tried to trick them with here is when I am available to teach and when they say I am only able to see you another time. I return with, I can teach you then! They all of a sudden come up with an excuse that they just remembered.

Its a cultural thing, at first I thought they were real "shady". As in a shady person, but then I realized that everyone is this way. If I had to guess, in America 8 out of 10 people follow through with what they say they are going to do. Now this isn't based off any kind of data, just my own personal experiences. I generally knew who was shady and knew who I could count on. Maybe it was easier for me to pick up a good vibe because English is my first language and I could pick through the BS. Now here in Brazil that number is way lower and I don't want to actually put a number on it. Maybe I have just met the wrong people.

Brazilians are very warm and social people. So don't get me wrong that this is not a negative blog. It's not! They are for the most part very laid back and don't commit to much. I find they kind of cruise through life and let things just happen. I find myself starting to act this way. It took a few months! At times when I say I am going to do may happen tomorrow or next week but I will get to it soon. I promise! Its reduced my stress significantly and I find that I am enjoying life more.

Thanks for reading! 

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