Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Time here in Brazil

This is an important subject to have because it has everything to do with your social life here. Business time is a little different and everyone tries to keep a set schedule. Be prepared to wait around for everyone to show up for a meeting or that doctors appointment that will be a little behind. Now as I write this, business time is much like we conduct in America. Not much of a change.

Now Brazilian time as in your social life is very different. So you get invited to a BBQ or dinner party and the host says a time. You can add an hour to that time for sure. If you show up at the exact time the host told you...they will most likely be in the shower or even just waking up from a nap. If in doubt as an American it doesn't hurt to ask or do as I do now, go with the herd or flow. If everyone else is getting ready to go, you start getting ready too.

For example; many moons a go I was visiting Brazil with newly wed wife. I ask what were the plans and believe me there was plans for the whole time we were visiting. Trying to see and do as much as possible on our trips here. That night she told me dinner party at 2000. So that told me two things I need to eat a snack later in the afternoon because us American's normally eat earlier. And I need to prepare for a late evening by taking a nap.

So I started to get ready around 1830 because I was unsure of travel time. I wasn't too concerned about the rest of the family and thought maybe they got showers earlier and were relaxing before leaving. Well I ended up being completely ready to go all by myself. We didn't leave the house that night until 2030 and arrived shortly before 2100. From that point on I tried to not be American. No point in wasting time and aggravating myself with being impatient.

Since then depending on who the host is or what kind of party it is I may ask about the time. Sometimes if it is a BBQ, I want to show up as early as possible to see how they prepare the meat and some of the other tasty food. I have learned a lot. Especially in regards to using rock salt on the meat before grilling. So good and amazing!

To sum it up, don't show on the time given unless told specifically to do so. Which has never happened! My advice is 45 minutes to 1 hour after time given. You will still be one of the first people to arrive in most cases. There will be people who show up even later than that, believe me!


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