I thought I would write about the election. A bit of violence back home with the dreaded liberals at the moment. It figures, that group of people generally pursue violence and they say us Republicans or Independents are horrible deplorable people. Nothing like destroying half a city to get your voice heard...which never works. You look like a bunch of thugs throwing a tantrum because you didn't get your way. This is what happens when everyone gets a participation trophy. Congratulations, you showed up to practice and played a few games and you suck but here is a trophy anyways. There will always be winners and losers but somehow we made a generation or two think there is not. What a shame, I don't remember this happening 8 years ago with Obama.
Now with Clinton, the Democratic Party made a huge mistake. She is a pathological liar, criminal and corruption is rampant all up in her daily life and the pay to play fake charity within the State Department. I easily think anybody else in the democratic party would of beat Trump. Hell, Bernie Sanders an admitted Socialist would of won the election if he wouldn't of been cheated out of the nomination and his ideas were pretty damn crazy. Free college for everyone, who was going to pay for this. Also if everyone goes to college does this mean a degree is necessary to become a janitor or custodial worker.
Yes, she will win the popular vote, but that's not how it works to get elected into the presidency. The electoral college was created by our founding fathers to even the playing field with large populated areas and the rural areas. Which if you look up a map of the actual counties (not states) she won, you will see it is very small spots of blue associated with large metropolis areas. Yes there was also very close counties that she almost won. This has been the system of electing a president for over 200 plus years now. You can't just change the rules now because it didn't go in your favor. This has happened before as recently as 2000 and we didn't change the rules after that. The rules were clearly laid out and the two major parties fighting to win knew the rules.
Ok, its Trump's turn, I'm biased and I admit it. I am not a journalist, news reporter, etc... I can be biased and I will tell you I did an absentee ballot and voted for Mr. Trump. Do I agree with everything he has said or the things about his past that are not too flattering, no. Hey, we all make mistakes and do some incredible dumb things. Is he perfect with getting his message out on policies he wants to change or make better, absolutely not. But it comes down to who I trust more and who I think will make America great again. I don't think we are that great of a country at the moment. The failed policies and the state of division in our country started way before Trump even started campaigning.
These are a few of my reason I voted for Trump: the constitution is important to me and over the past few years I have seen it eroding, a country also has borders and laws that need to be enforced and upheld, trade deals need to be fair and not lopsided, veterans need to be taken care of and our active duty troops need the manpower and resources to do their job, the Supreme Court needs to have conservatives on it and a few liberals to, the 2nd amendment is not to be messed with, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed and in all actuality it's to protect us from our government, etc... I'm sure I am missing a bunch of other highly important topics I can't think of at the moment.
Watching the election that night was epic. I only get Fox and CNN down here in Brazil and to see the news reporters transformation of we didn't hit the states yet where she is projected to do well, then it went to well the majority of the votes are not all in and then it went to oh my god we were so wrong. The American news media got caught with their pants down. The pollsters all had it wrong! That's because American media has been extremely biased the past 8-10 years. Follow the money and read some of the E-mails to the Clinton campaign from media sources. Hell, they were feeding her the questions and giving her heads up when they were about to release a biased poll in her favor.
Now let's talk about Brazil, very liberal down here. Everyone was extremely shocked about the results. The first comments I saw was American's that voted for Trump are racist, sexist, bigots and a whole bunch of other words. The majority of these people who said this never lived or worked in America. They only know what the biased media here and in America has told them. He is against immigration...which is a lie. Trump is for protecting our borders and supports legal immigration. He hates Muslims and is going to prevent them from coming to America...which is a lie. Trump wants to put a temporary hold on refugees until they can be fully vetted. Trump is against the LGBT community...which was a lie. I just saw him on November 2nd holding a LGBT flag on stage somewhere in Colorado. I even responded to an Irish lady who left a message on Facebook to explain that she was wrong and what did she do? She did the typical liberal response that I was a sexist. Hillary lost because she has more baggage than delta airlines has. She was damaged goods trying to get passed though a produce line at a factory.
I know in a few weeks most of this will blow over. Yes half of America is mad and it happens to be the side of the political spectrum that throws tantrums if they don't get their way. Hopefully they will stop damaging their own neighborhoods soon.